
Λευκή Συμφωνία

Λευκή Συμφωνία
Λευκή Συμφωνία - Discogs
Δημ.: 1984
Διαλ.: 1996
Δισκογραφία (Discogs)
Δισκογραφία (MusicBrainz)
New wave/Hard Rock band formed in winter 1984 in Athens, Greece. On 13/5/1985 they performed live at Kyttaro (Athens), along with Αρνάκια & Χωρίς Περιδέραιο. On 14/6/1986 they performed live at 'Καλόγριες" (Thessaloniki). On 20/6/1986 they performed live at "Θέατρο Δάσους" (Thessaloniki). On 23/12/1986 they performed live at Cat's Meow (Athens), along with 'Αμφί'. They were the first greek band to appear on MTV. In November 1990 they moved to Germany, changed their name to “Timedrops” and played a few gigs. In 1992, they returned to Greece and released a 12” EP titled “Θα Είμαι Εκεί” (engl: I’ll Be There) and the album “Λευκή Συμφωνία”. Their drummer, Spyros Harisis, commited a suicide at the age of 27. In 1993, the band supported Metallica and The Cult in Athens and released their last album, titled “Χρώματα” (engl: Colours) on FM Records. LEFKI SYMPHONIA will appear live on stage at Piraeus 117 Academy on Saturday 9.12.2017
Πηγή: Discogs (➜ Βλέπε: Λευκή Συμφωνία)

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